The Family

My family

My name is Carter I have 2 sister and 2 brother. We have no parents and we live in the middle of the Bermuda triangle. We are a all immortal and I am the balance between the family my brother are the evil ones and my sister are the good ones. I am neutral I keep one side from becoming to powerful. If you ever herd of the lost city of Atlantis well we live were it use to be. Key words use to be. We had a little fight a long time ago when we were at Atlantis. My brother and sister were arguing over something I cant remember it was 2000 years ago so it is hard to remember.
My sister finally lost here temper and picked a chair up using here mind and through it at my brother. My brother quickly reacted and punched the chair shattering it to pieces. I was out the side trying to rest when this happened. I heard the chair shatter and looked through the window and saw what was happening. I thought this might be one of those quick bar battles they have were they through a few punches and chairs at each other and then it is over. So I ignored them and decide when they were done with there fight I would wipe the humans minds so they forgot about the battle. That was my first mistake I must have fallen asleep because I closed my eyes and it seemed like a second had passed when I heard the building next to me blow up. I quickly jumped up and look at the destruction.
I realized that this fight I was going to have to get in and stop it. Abby and Braun were battle in where the house use to be and Ally and Blake (Ally was one of my sister and Blake was one of my Brothers) were in the air fight back and forth. I looked(Abby was one of my sister and Braun was on of my brothers) at my hand a and a sword appeared there I walked slowly to were Abby and Braun were and swung my sword. It cause a wave a electricity witch knocked both of them over. I walked over and was about to tell them to stop when Blake came out of no where and tackled me we flew through a wall and landed in some ones kitchen. I used my front feet to kick him off he hit the ceiling and fell back to the ground I should up and was about to ask him what was that for when lighting bolt hit me. I went through two walls and landed on a street. I slowly rolled over and pushed my self up. I got a head ach from that shot. Know I was mad I walked back to where the battle was. Right when I got there Ally and Blake charged at me I pointed at Ally and a fireball launched at her it hit her and she went flying I swung a punch at Blake. He stopped and dodged it then countered it with a kick. Me and him fought back and forth for a while tell I finally got the upper hand and shot him in the air with a gust of wind.
Then Abby and Braun through me into the air I stopped when I was about 126 ft on the air I stood there floating. Then I realized what I was going to have to do to stop the fighting. I stayed up there and observed the fighting for a little while. The I started to for a highly concentrated ball of energy. It took me a while then when I was finish I shot it. It completely wiped out the city and it people. Every thing was gone. I woke up on the ground and so did my brother and sisters they were to tired to continue fighting.
Atlantis was gone and we decided that this could never happen again so we new that we would have to live on the remains of this once great city to remind use of what happened. We still to this day have fight but I am able to controls them much better now so we don't lose any cities. All the stories you ever heard about the Bermuda triangle are fake we make them up so we don't have million of humans looking around are island and asking a lot of question. Every thing that enters here we destroy we do that so the humans think the Bermuda triangle is hunted and they don't enter any more. Some people have lived even thought they entered we just wiped there memory and sent them back. This is my family and as much as they annoy me I love them.