Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The beginning of the End

I have been deployed to Harina the mist of the battle between the Golondies and us the Alrainy. My name is Aberaz. The Golondies are a clan that was our strongest fight they went extincted or so we thought. Recently they have come back they number are far greater than we imagined. When ever we win a battle a week later there are more we tried to figure out were there are coming from but the Alrainy's can't do that we are the one fight the other to clans are just sitting there they say there waiting and going to help when we can't fight no more. I don't see how that will work but We can't argue with them they are to stubborn.
I just landed and realized that the war is 5 times worse then the last time a saw it. There were so many there use to be only 500-1,000 enemies there army is up to well over 3000-5000 now. We are struggling to keep them held back were are they all coming from. I got up to the front line with my troops. The leading officers looked at me and said "it is a honor to have you no offense but we need more than you ser there are thousands now." I thanked him for the advise and told him I would radio in for more troops. After I radioed in and the base about the trouble they sent out 1000 more troops but they wouldn't be here for 14 more hours so we had to hold out. Iran back and told the officer the news he was happy and a little worried that we might make it that long. I told him we would be fine before me and my squad departed and left for the right flank. We fought hard and good for several hours. When there was 4 hours left we thought that we might make it until. I saw a motor bullet falling towards us where had it come from I thought before it land and blew apart the right flank. When I opened my I still in a daze my ears were ringing stood up and staggered toward a fallen friend I could se the death in his eyes after one look. I knew he had passed on I was mad and confused that was a bigger explosion than usually for a motor. I look around and saw the allies retreating that the motors were firing. I tried to run but sense I was still in a daze would only make it a few feet then fall over. I stood up and tried to stumble over towards cover. I noticed that the motors had stopped firing. I saw the ships in the distances only 2 more hours tell arrival but would we make it that long. I look over the cover and saw the enemies charging turned around and saw the allies running. I most of passed out because the next thing I saw was the reinforcements landing and charging out. The enemies were running back to there ships they knew they were out matched.

I was dragged to the ship and given medical intention. I was feeling better since the little nap I had 5 minutes ago. All the survivors loaded up and taken care off. We started to take off. In a few seconds we were off. Was about a 3 hour ride back I decided to sit back and relax. About half of the way there alarms started going off I realized there was a missiles heading for use. I buckled up prepared for a rough landing. We maneuvered away from most of them and the last missile hit use we went straight down. I woke up in the middle of the desert. If there were any survivors from the crash they had already left because every one else was dead. I started stumbling down towards the base. I new I had a hour of traveling a head of me. I walked for miles and miles it felt like days had gone by when I finally got to my base. I stumbled in and fell straight on the ground. I was helped up and given food and water. I recovered in about a day. When I felt good enough I went my leaders and told them It was we joined to gather we will never win at this rate they took my word and all three colonies joined together. Then the leaders told me that the received word of where the enemies are coming from and they are going to assemble an army that I am going to lead to wipe them out. I knew that this was only the beginning of the biggest war in are history.

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