Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beginning of a Great friendship

I am Aberaz leader of the Armageddon army. We have been sent to a unknown planet that are enemies have been said to have set up there main base. We are the army made up of are best soldiers we have sent to wipe out the new apposing threat.
I wondered down the hall ways of my base inspecting every room to make sure all was in order. When I was done inspecting I headed towards the blasting range to practice my shot. The day seemed to move really slowly an I kind of like it because tomorrow I head out to the unknown planet. I after the shooting range I wondered to a meeting where are leader where filling us in on the final details about are mission. After that I went and did some drills with my team. I knew that tomorrow was going to be along day.
When tomorrow came I got up woke my army up and we prepped for launch. When we got down to the launching station we were briefed on what to do when we got there. Then every one said bye to there love ones and we departed. I wondered about my life on the trip. Every one had some one that loved them. Not me though I am a orphan and have now wife or kids. I spent all of my life fighting and training. I never had many friends. Here and there I had 1 or 2 but we usually split up after a while. I thought to my self when this war is over I think I will retire and try to raise a family. When we family were 1 hour away from landing I should up and gave every one the speech. I yelled " alright we are going into a active war zone keep you head low and your aim straight and you might make it out a live." I new most of us would die maybe even all of use but I didn't want to tell them that. It would break there spirit and that I can't have.
When we landed and the doors opened me and the army charged out of the ship. When we were all out we new something was wrong there was no gun fire. We stayed alert while we scouted the planet about 20 mile from the landing zone was a small camp we attacked it but this army was to small. It was a diversion. They must have fled the planet when they heard we were coming. Set up camp and in the morning. I sent some scouts out to look for any other camps. For hours no report then 8 hours after they were sent out I got word that they saw a camp. They descried it as a strange fort that was made out of some brown material. The material was rough and long. They didn't attack the fort so they didn't know how strong it was.
We decide to go to this strange fort and see who owns it. When we got there they creature that owned it were vary strange. They stood about 5-8 feet tall with strange helmet that were vary fury. They were a white, brown, or light brown color. None of the creatures looked anything alike. They didn't even speak are language.
After a while we talked thought hand symbols then we taught each other are languages. We are species were friends for 2 weeks. We were just learning that wood was what there fort was made out of. We also were learning about there problem back at home the war in there solar system. Then one day a fight started in the town square shots were fired. We don't now who all I new is that a war started in a town square people were shooting back and forth. I tried to stop but I couldn't I found myself in the middle of that battle trying to survive. When it was all over we had 20 prisoners and only 200 men died out of 500 in the battle. The humans were completely wiped out. I we told are leaders about the new species and the fight. I need to new the penalty for the prisoners. My leader told me that they will be stabbed my plasma swords. It was a normal war penalty. So I thought this wasn't a battle we should worry about. We moved are fort for safety. We waited a couple of day nothing then on the 6th day we saw a ship. A human ship landing near the old human fort. I new either the humans would make could friends or strong enemies. Something told me this was the beginning of the end.

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